
Radiance, Lightning, Minerals, Rainbows
Ash, Vacuum, Grime, Ice

The 4 Elemental Planes border the Material Plane (the world the characters call home), also bordering the Home Plane is the Negative Material Plane - the land of darkness and evil and the Positive Material Plane - the land of good and life. Quasi-Elemental Planes are created where the Positive (Good) and Negative (Evil) Material Planes meet the Elemental Planes. Much like the Para-Elemental Planes, these Planes have been discovered and catalogued, but little exploration or intense study has been done.

Where Fire meets the Positive Plane, is the Plane of Radiance, a realm of heat and intense light.
Where Fire meets the Negative Plane, is the Plane of Ash, a realm of heat and choking darkness.
Where Earth meets the Positive Plane is the Plane of Minerals - a realm of precious metals, gems and ore.
Where Earth meets the Negative Plane is the Plane of Grime - a realm of smut, silt and dust.
Where Water meets the Positive Plane is the Plane of Rainbows - a realm of misty light and warmth.
Where Water meets the Negative Plane is the Plane of Ice - a frozen realm of ice cold.
Where Air meets the Positive Plane is the Plane of Lightning - a realm of thunder and lightning.
Where Air meets the Negative Plane is the Plane of Vacuum - an empty realm of vast darkness.