The Berserk Warriors of Lief the Skullsplitter

The History of King Raevil the True

About Lief
Page 3

   His shipwrights tell him there is not room in the harbor to dock the ships for the bad season and to build new ones, so he tells the stonecutters to stop construction on SeaGate and to build a set of stone rails to slide nearly complete ships into the harbor, from the dry shipyard near the pass.
   That creates a need for additional horses and oxen to pull the ships along the rails. The forest folk leaders were seen riding horses and the hunter and rangers had found tracks of oxen leading away from the destroyed camp. Raevil was sure he could find and retrieve the creatures faster than he could send for them. Of course on the island horses and oxen were a very valuable commodity and he wasn't sure his father could spare the animals for harvest season.
   Raevil sent scouts to find wild horses or a forester camp nearby, then report back. He had been travelling the valley imagining the great city he could build in it's safety. There was a large clearing, partially overgrown with brush that would hold as many people as the largest city of the islands, his hometown of Vikare. Once the rails were built he would send the workers to begin making a wall around the clearing to protect his new city, which he named Raeville.

   The scouts return with reports of a large town of forest folk near the valley. They live upon a well-defended hill, but their herds of oxen and horses live in the surrounding flats. From the description, they should be able to take the animals without a full conflict and escape with them. Raevil sends his best warriors to strike the camp and steal just the horses and oxen. The norse have more than enough food beasts, to steal those and leave the people hungry is not his intention. Half his availible warriors march out to find the tribe.
   Raevil spends his time describing the city in his mind to the woodworkers and stonecutters. He sets up a camp at the clearing and refuses to leave, growing more excited about the project as the days progress. The city named for him will be glorious, a city of splendor and bounty. Filled with the spoils of yearly campaigns, it will be the capital of a grand new nation under his command. He foresees a time of previously unseen wealth and fortune for his people made possible by a storm and a crashed ship.
   The rails are nearly complete when the norse ship returns. From a distance it is obviously over-loaded, they have done very well in their raids.
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